It is a prediction or
educated guess. It is a formal statement of the researcher’s prediction of the
relationship that exists among the variables under the investigation.
It refers to an explanation
that discusses how a phenomenon operates and why it operates as it does. Theory
often refers to a generalization or set of generalizations that are used
systematically to explain some phenomenon. In other words, a well-developed
theory explains how something operates in general.
Exploratory method:
It is a bottom-up (i.e.,
movement from data to patterns to theory) or theory-generation approach to
research. It includes three steps—first, the researcher starts by making
observations; second, the researcher studies the observations and searches for
patterns (i.e., a statement of what is occurring); and third, the researcher
makes a tentative conclusion or a generalization about the pattern or how some
aspect of the world operates. This exploratory method is sometimes called the inductive
method because it moves from the “particular to the general”.
Confirmatory method:
It is a top-down (i.e.,
movement from theory to hypothesis to data) or theory-testing approach to
research. It also includes three steps—first, the researcher states a
hypothesis; second, the researcher collects data to be used to test the
hypothesis empirically; and third, the researcher decides tentatively to accept
or reject the hypothesis on the basis of the data. This confirmatory method is
sometimes called the deductive method because it moves
from the “general to the particular”.
Criterion of
The criterion of
falsifiability is the property of a statement or theory that it is capable of
being refuted by experience. It also says that we should not selectively search
for confirming evidence for our beliefs and explanations and then stop with
that so-called evidence. Good researchers carefully search for and examine any
negative evidence that operates against their beliefs, research conclusions,
and theoretical explanations.
Rule of parsimony:
It is another criterion for
evaluating theories. A theory is parsimonious when it is simple, concise, and
succinct. For example, if two competing theories explain and predict a
phenomenon equally well, then the more parsimonious theory is to be preferred
according to the rule of parsimony. In other words, simple theories are
preferred over highly complex ones, other things being equal.
It refers to research
examining the same variables with different people. Replication by other
researchers should make you more confident about a research finding because the
resulting evidence is much stronger.
Principle of evidence:
It refers to the
philosophical idea that empirical research provides evidence, not proof.
Therefore, from now onwards, whenever you want to use the world proof,
just use the word evidence. In research, slogan goes like this: “It
is about evidence, not proof!” We call this idea the principle of