Tuesday 21 February 2017

Committee of the Ways and Means of financial Educational Development (1950)

The 14th meeting of the CABE and the All India Educational Conference held in January 1948 raised question of future programme of education. It was generally agreed that the period of forty years laid down in the report of post war education development in India published in January 1944 must be curtailed and if necessary for the purpose, stage up to which compulsion should be enforced may be reduced. It was therefore decided to appoint a committee to examine the existing financial condition and the programme for educational development for all provinces and states and to make suggestions to ensure that educational development may not be held up for want of funds. The Chairman of this Committee was Shri B. G. Kher.


1. To consider in the light of present conditions in the finances (recurring and nonrecurring) required for different stages of a comprehensive system of education for India.
2. To consider ways and means of any and all of the following methods-
  • Central grants – allocation of the sources of revenue between the central and the provincial governments under the new constitution; scope and extent of grants from central revenues –to provincial governments, for central all India schemes of development, and to universities and all India institutions.
  • Levy of an educational cess- its feasibility and details of its levy, administration and distribution.
  • Educational loans- purposes for which educational loans may be raised and the terms on which they should be raised and applied.

3. To consider any other feasible suggestions for raising the finances for educational development programme.

    The committee recommended that

  • The state must undertake the responsibility of providing at least junior basic education for every body.
  • The basic minimum salary of trained basic school teachers should be Rs. 40 per mensem and should on no account be reduced.
  • Teacher-pupil ratio may be 1:40 for at least coming five years.
  • In urban areas, where conditions justify, the same school buildings should be used for two shifts provided different teachers are employed in each shift.
  • The may enact suitable legislation for ensuring that an adequate percentage of the income of all charitable trusts is allotted for expenditure on education provided that the government may exempt certain specified types of trust(medical trust; etc) from the operation of such law.
  • Voluntary efforts should be encouraged for meeting the capital and recurring cost of educational institutions with such assistance from government as may be feasible.
  • About 70 % of the expenditure on education should be borne by the local bodies and provinces and the remaining 30% by the centre.
  • All contributions for education approved by the provincial or central government should be exempted from income tax.